Luis Maceira

As a highly experienced UX designer with over 8 years in digital media, I excel at simplifying complex tasks for users while consistently meeting business objectives. My passion lies in crafting delightful user experiences that make a real impact. I am eager to bring my digital expertise and UX approach to a collaborative environment where I can continuously learn and inspire my colleagues.


UX Management

NN/g Sep 2021

Mobile Multi-Channel UX

NN/g Mar 2018

Foundations of UX

Google Apr 2021

UX Designer Immersive

GA Aug 2016


What I Do

Design Thinking

As a Lead UX Designer, design thinking informs my approach to solving challenges and creating user-centered designs. I use this human-centered process to research, prototype, and test to arrive at solutions that meet both user needs and business goals. This results in effective and delightful user experiences.

Web Design

As a UX/UI Designer, my skill in web design involves creating an aesthetically pleasing and functional layout, selecting the right color scheme and typography, and utilizing my understanding of responsive design, accessibility, and website performance optimization to enhance the user's experience on a website. A strong web design skill set is essential for me to effectively communicate the brand's message and meet the user's needs.


As a Lead UX Designer, my copywriting skills help create clear and concise messaging for the user experience. I craft language that effectively communicates the brand, guides the user, and supports the overall design. This results in a seamless and intuitive experience.


As a Lead UX Designer, research is crucial for understanding users and informing design decisions. I conduct surveys, interviews, user testing, and analyze data to uncover user needs and behaviors. The outcome helps me design aesthetically pleasing solutions that meet user requirements and deliver a seamless experience.


As a Lead UX Designer, my prototyping skills allow me to efficiently test and validate design ideas. I create interactive mockups to simulate the user experience, identify design problems, and gather feedback. My prototyping expertise enables me to iterate quickly and create user-centered designs that meet both aesthetic and functional requirements.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is a mindset and a skill that drives my passion for creating the best possible user experiences. I am always seeking new insights and feedback, and I am open to making changes to my designs to continuously improve them.

